Todd: You kinda wrote yourself into a corner, huh, guys. Todd (VO): Now normally I do have problems with choruses that consist only of one line repeated over and over again, I generally think songwriters should try a little harder than that, but when you start out with "Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover," you don't really have anywhere to take that. Sean: 'Cause shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover This is the stupidest-sounding thing ever recorded.and I've never really been in love with my wife! It's all been a lie!" Todd (VO): This song has seven writers, including Kingston, including Bieber, including presumably some grown-ups-why didn't one of them suddenly snap their head up and say. Justin: Let me show you what you're missin' Todd: There is no reason why anyone could have or should have written a song that sounds like a collaboration between R. Todd (VO): I've heard bad lyrics, I've heard lazy lyrics, I've heard dumb lyrics, but this is so far beyond that, it is downright disrespectful. And speaking of basic third-grade material, EENIE MEENIE MINEY MO LOVER?!?! HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK I AM?!?! The problem obviously is that they use the word "a" instead of "an." You see, when the indefinite article precedes a word that begins with a vowel sound, you're supposed to use the word "an" instead of "a." How did they miss that? That's just something everyone involved should've realized. Todd: You need a third time maybe? No, no, I think.I think we've all spotted the major problem here. Sean and Justin: 'Cause shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover Todd: Did you catch that? Maybe you missed it, why don't we play it again! Sean: I wish our hearts could come together as one 'Cause shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover You know what, why don't we see if you can spot them? Take a listen. And in this case, I believe I might have spotted some noticeable lyrical deficiencies. Lyrics can be bad enough to ruin a song for me. Hell, even Bieber's singing is a little less shaky than it usually is. Todd (VO): Production is solid, melody is catchy. (VERY little.) And so I want to say that the music for this new song is.fine. Hell, I can even bump to " Carry Out" a little. If the music moves me, I can listen to some pretty bad lyrics. I do notice bad lyrics, but I'm actually pretty forgiving on that front. That's why it's called listening to music. When people ask me what's more important to me, the lyrics or the music, I always have to say the music. Todd: Okay, now before we start in with their new duet, I've got a point I need to make here. Everyone, please, please just let me enjoy this while I can." But unlike Justin Bieber, he seems to be self-aware of it, you know? Everything I've ever seen him in, he's got this big, stupid grin on his face like he's saying, "Wow! I don't belong here at all. Derrr, deerrrrrr! Like Justin Bieber, Sean Kingston is in waaay over his head. I felt like I should hate him a lot more than I do, but.I've always just been amused by his existence. Todd (VO): I had the exact opposite reaction to Sean Kingston. Video for Sean Kingston - "Beautiful Girls" Todd: No, apparently Bieber's newest song is a duet with R&B singer Sean Kingston and.well, that's just a study in contrasts right there. Okay, this is apparently not Justin Bieber. Video for someone else entirely Jimmy Osmond: I'll be your long-haired lover from Liverpool.

Todd: For example, take a listen to his latest single.

I've got a whole iPod's worth of uncool music that I listen to, so trust me-Bieber really is legitimately that terrible.

Yeah, trust me, I don't hate music to be cool. Todd (VO): I'm aware that Bieber is currently one of those artists that it's cool to hate. You look like a loser dressed like that, Bieber! A loser! Todd: I'm not even sure I can come up with a rational explanation for why I hate this thumbsucking, bedwetting little freak of nature so much, I just.look at that stupid little smirk on his face, stupid bowlcut hairdo, stupid gray hoodie pulled up over his head. The very first second I heard him sing, I wanted him dead, and that was before I even actually got a look at him. I'd lock him in a burning building, if given the opportunity. I listen to it 'cause you don't want to! Alright, so what are we doing this week? Something good? SEAN KINGSTON & JUSTIN BIEBER - "EENIE MEENIE"